
Darker, harder, deeper: KOR

There is a cliché we hear all the time: Berlin’s music is techno. We have heard it in various forms. As a techno veteran, producer, and DJ, do you think techno music somehow captures the social reality in Berlin and the emotions it provokes? Moreover, what do you think about the relationship between the city and techno?

I don’t think it’s possible to imagine Berlin without techno music at this time, as we come to the end of 2022. This style of music, which took its place here in the past, has changed with the city over many years and has now become an important part of the city and its culture. You can see this not only in nightclubs in the city but everywhere you go, in most people you meet. Of course, there is also a touristic dimension to the fact that techno music is so popular and loved here. In fact, we know that the basis of Berlin nightlife is techno music, and this is why there are so many tourists from all over the world who come here only for nightclub tourism, which is actually an important reason why this music is still so popular and sustainable.

On the other hand, if I interpret the social reality in Berlin according to my own impressions, this city actually directs people to individuality as much as possible. Pros or cons aside, I think it’s a good match with the spirit of techno music. For me, techno can mean both feeling alone and not feeling lonely while dancing with dozens of people on the dance floor. Most of the time, this city can give me exactly that.

You are also in Berlin as a migrant, and you try somehow to exist with this identity in this city. How does the experience of immigration, with its disadvantages and advantages, reflect on your music? How does it reflect on you? What has it taught you and your music? What did it take away?

I have been in Berlin for about three years, and two and a half years of that was spent studying sound engineering. I think the biggest advantage of being a Turkish immigrant in this city might be that the largest Turkish immigrant community in the world is here. Certainly, being an immigrant in Berlin or Germany is not easy but having so many Turkish friends makes me feel much less alone. Coming to the effect of this on my music, having a circle of friends around me, who support and understand me, motivates me much more, and frankly, I think I am very lucky in this regard. Again, as I said, the main reason for this situation is that the friendships I made in Berlin were of incredibly high quality.

You have considerably higher education in sound. On the other hand, as a DJ, we see you from time to time in Berlin nightlife. As for techno production, we are aware that you spend a lot of effort and long working hours in your studio. What do you hope for the future? Where will KOR go? What steps are you currently taking toward them?

I am much more hopeful for the future than I used to be, there is more than one reason for this. First of all, I know that I still have a lot to learn, but at the same time, I can feel that my music is starting to get where I want it to be, musically and technically. We are planning to start a boutique techno label project with a close friend in 2023 and I am very excited about it. At the same time, I aim to bring my mixing and mastering services to more people. As an artist, I want to perform more and share my passion with people. I have a time & action plan for each of these and I want to reach my goals accordingly.



Interview: Tevfik Hürkan Urhan
Translation from Turkish: Tevfik Hürkan Urhan